Friday, February 10, 2012


Let me reminisce how everything started with me and 1박2일. Be prepared for my not-so-organized train of thoughts. Forgive me. I just wrote what I felt.

One fine day I was browsing channels and got to KBS World (I wasn't a frequent viewer yet on it) and saw this commercial about guys going on a trip and doing fun things. I also saw them singing. I was intrigued and thought it looks like a fun show. I tried checking the schedule...but it took me a while before I got hold of it.

Finally I saw a glimpse of it. I think it was around the end part already because the guys were sleeping. Then the staff carried the guys one by one out of the house. That part alone was funny already. Their reactions and all. And their faces! Their morning faces! Super funny!

But the episode that really started my love for 1박2일 was the Baseball episode. If I remember correctly it was in Busan. Wow...I only remember the part wherein they performed in the middle of the game but WOW. I'm having goosebumps with it now while typing but I think I felt the heart of this show from there on.

So the names Kang Hodong, Lee Suguen, Kim C, MC Mong, Eun Jiwon and Lee Seunggi were etched on my mind starting that day. Also the loveable Great Pyreness doggie Sangguen. Every week I tried to tag along with their adventures. They took us to different places in Korea, mostly places a normal tourist won't know. They made me appreciate mother nature more. They made my jaw-dropped several times when they showed beautiful places. This show made me love mother nature more and how beautiful the world is as how God created it.

This show isn't your normal travel show. It's also a variety show. They brought many laughs to my life. They made me laugh so hard that resulted in tears. Oh my aching happened several times because of them. I usually watch it alone...and imagine...I'm laughing alone! But the heck I care! I love the show...I'll laugh as loud as I want!

The bokbulbok games were also super fun. They gave a new light to games. I've never seen a game of rock-paper-scissors as fun and suspenseful as they have shown! Their charades are the best too! How could I forget the way MC Mong acted out proverbs for the guys to guess? The movie charades was fun too! It gave us a fun idea on how to play it! It was super funny seeing the guys acting out the movies for the other guys to guess!

I got to know new games too because of this show! My most fave and memorable one would be the Shouting-within-Silence game wherein participants wore cute headphones with super loud music and try to figure out what the other guy is saying. I won't forget Seunggi's BI-KI-NI-SHOW...LOL!!!!!! Oh my stomach...I laughed so hard because of it. I also learned about games like Human Zero Game, Senses Game, Strawberry Game, Foot volleyball and the Zombie game! My gosh the Zombie game was one heck of a game! It can make you really scared! haha!

MC Mong even started the variety spirit! They always shouted VARIETY JEONGSHIN! It sort of made me feel the spirit too! I would find myself typing it too as if It's my motto too. LOL

Kim C, MC Mong and Sangguen left. It was sad to see the shades-man go, the monkey go and the cute and cuddly doggie go but they will always stay in my heart. I welcomed Jongmin and Taewoong to my heart. Their addition to the show from what I was used to gave new life to it. I enjoyed it as usual!!! Jongmin was hilarious with his speech antics and crazy movements. Taewoong was the shy guy but eventually made a mark on the show afterwards.

Kang Hodong aka rockhead also left the show just last September. As the main MC it was hard to see him go. His voice always dominated the show. But the five members that were left handled the show well. I missed Kang Hodong but seeing the 5 of them was still fun to watch. There was also PD Na and the rest of the staff. They were like the 6th man on the show.

I discovered this show in the height of my struggle at work. This show was like the shining light of my life every week. They made me endure the hardships and made me think that life is still beautiful. I remember the time especially when my schedule kept changing, and that this show's sched kept changing as well but it was the right sched for me. As if telling me that I can still watch it. Haha! But there also came a time when I wasn't able to watch it for a long...but I soon got back on the adventures.

I would also like to share that this show played a big role on my first trip to Seoul. Haha...yeah big role because I dragged my friend in the midst of a very cold temperature to the KBS building just because of 1박2일. My ultimate goal that time was to have a picture in front of the building because that's where the guys usually do their introductions for each trip. WISH GRANTED! Yeah wish granted and nothing more. My goal was accomplished. No shooting (duh it was a Saturday...I didn't know they shoot on Fridays). No celebrity sightings. NO PEOPLE! Okay there were people but just check my old blog post. It was a holiday so no anything. Haha! But you see I was really happy back then. I stood where the members stood. *cries* Thank you to my friend Maylene for bearing it with me! She got sick afterwards! Oh...this is already 2 years ago! Huhu!

I also remembered going gaga over a toaster in the guesthouse we stayed. Yeah because it was a Homeplus toaster...the store our guys endorsed before. I wasn't able to take a pic of the toaster (LOL), but I was able to take a pic of the store. I was on a bus and luckily I got a good shot of it. LOL

Well another I want to share before I end my post is about Jongmin. He's the only member I got to see so far in person. I was dreaming of seeing all of them, but at least seeing one of them is nice. I saw Jongmin going out of the building after Music Bank. I didn't know it was REALLY Jongmin. You see I know he looked liked Jongmin but I was still doubting. Then a week later I knew he and Shinji were really on Music my hunch was correct. Here's my old blog post about it. It was HIM! Here's my screenshot below (the video I uploaded got deleted...ugh). It's not super clear (my cam didn't have a good video quality) but he's the one wearing white with the shades on. I was now sure it was him...but didn't realize it when I was there! Good thing my video cam was on!

I still dream of seeing Seunggi in person! Wish I can see him before my life ends! Waaaaaaahhhh!!! For now I just have to be satisfied with the Seunggi ads I saw. LOL

1박2일 will soon end. Tomorrow (or later rather...they always shoot early in the morning!) they will film their very last episode for Season 1. They made my working life bearable and enjoyable. I would start a new life without them. But all the memories I have of them will remind me how life is always beautiful. I know there would still be Season 2 but that's a different story. Season 1 will always be the best for me. I wish everyone all the best, especially Seunggi-ah.

The last showing of 1박2일 in Seoul will be on February 26. In KBS World we'll still have until March. That's why when I made a calendar for 2012...I dedicated March to the show.

Will I look at March with sad or happy eyes? Let's see! Huhuhuhuhu!!!!

On the bright side congrats to the International fans! #thankyou1박2일 became a Worldwide trend even for some minutes. They really have fans all over the world!

Congrats also for everyone who contributed to the fan project! Writer Daeju received it! Let's just wait the response about it! *excited*

I'll still post here. This will be my official Travel Log. I will still post things here about Seunggi, my travels and about old eps of 1박2일! I'm planning to review the old episodes one by one. Good luck if I'll have the time.

Thank you 1박2일!!!!!! Thank you for all the wonderful memories! I'll forever cherish the laughter and tears we had together! Huwaaaaaaahhhh!!!

1박!!!!!!!!!! 2일!!!!!!!!!!!!! Variety.......jeongshin!!!!!!!!!!!

I would also like to add...I've never expected this post to be shared in Bee's wonderful blog! Thank you so much Bee! You were also one the reasons how I was able to catch up with every 1박2일! Thank to Boo too!!!! Boo and Bee thanks to both of you!!!!!! *bows*

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